Latest news2021-12-27T08:35:40-03:00

Latest news

ENSEADA obtains Transshipment authorization

December 11th, 2020|Categories: Eventos, Notícias|

Enseada Industria Naval obtained the Environmental Authorization from INEMA - Instituto do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos (Institute of Environment and Water Resources) - to carry out cargo transshipment operations between ships (iron ore and manganese transshipment), in Todos os Santos [...]

Start of port operations at the Enseada Terminal

September 8th, 2020|Categories: Eventos, Notícias|

Today the ship Supramax Athena left ENSEADA with a navigation draft of 11 meters, carrying 44,000 tons of iron ore bound for china. The ship was loaded with the 4 onboard cranes operating simultaneously in just 60 hours, resulting in [...]

Change in restriction area for passage of vessels

December 5th, 2018|Categories: Announcements|

(free translation) Enseada Indústria Naval SA, in response to the request of the communities and considering the operational safety procedures, informs the modification of the definition of the restriction area for the passage of vessels near the NORBE VI platform [...]

Corvette Tamandare Consortium Villegagnon makes room for the RJ industry

November 12th, 2018|Categories: Eventos, Notícias|

(free Translation) by Luiz Padilha The Consortium Villegagnon (Naval Group, Mectron e Enseada) promoted at the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro - FIRJAN, a meeting with state companies of Rio de Janeiro interested in participating with [...]

Enseada’s social responsibility action celebrates Children’s Day

October 11th, 2018|Categories: Sustentabilidade|

(free translation) As it has been since the beginning of the construction of the shipyard at Enseada, Children's Day was celebrated by the company in another social responsibility initiative that took place from October 9-11. The action took place at [...]

Enseada Indústria Naval marca presença na Rio Oil & Gas 2018

September 26th, 2018|Categories: Eventos|

Rio de Janeiro, 26 de setembro de 2018 - A Enseada Indústria Naval está participando da Rio Oil & Gas 2018, entre os dias 24 e 27 de setembro, no Riocentro. Durante o evento, a empresa apresenta seu moderno [...]

Governo cria grupo para Reaquecer área naval

September 11th, 2018|Categories: Notícias|

JORNAL A TARDE - ECONOMIA - 11/09/2018 - PÁGINA 4 MARJORIE MOURA O governo do estado criou uma força-tarefa, por meio da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico (SDE), para retomar as operações do estaleiro Enseada, em Maragojipe, no Recôncavo baiano. Único [...]

New brand strengthens Enseada for resumption of the Brazilian naval industry

August 9th, 2018|Categories: Announcements|

After a long period of restructuring, in which the Enseada was heavily impacted by the crisis of the sector, the company is ready and reorganized to return to compete with the major national and international players of the naval and [...]